This blog is not going to go away.



“When good people cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail.” Pearl S. Buck


New York State Has Banned Fracking

It feels so good to write that headline. It feels so good to know that next week or the week after there will not be a fracking gas well polluting my land, my water, and my air or anyone else’s in New York State thanks to the Health Commissioner Howard Zucker and New York Governor Cuomo.

However, the fight is not over. Our state and our health are still at risk, and this blog is not going to go away.


1. Radioactive tailings, sand, and toxic drilling fluids are brought into New York everyday from frack sites in Pennsylvania and dumped into our landfills.

Radioactive Tailings arriving at Chemung landfill

Radioactive Tailings arriving at Chemung landfill

2. Pipelines are being built to transport fracked gas across our state.

3. Exploding generators are being built to push the gas through the pipelines.

3. LNP facilities are being proposed and built.

4. Superfine drilling sand is being unloaded in New York State.

5. The Susquehanna River still goes through fracked Pennsylvania to get to New York

6. The food we eat, even that labeled organic, still comes from states where fracking is allowed next to farms.

7. The polluted air doesn’t hang over Pennsylvania like an umbrella, it comes north with the wind.

8. The handful of landowners who think they are going to get rich quick aren’t going to crawl under a rock and disappear. They are going to be running for town board, bringing lawsuits, and being just as greedy as always.

9. Our next governor may green light fracking

So stay vigilant… Don’t Give Up the Fight until Fracking is banned world wide and alternative energy is embraced as the only way to save our planet.

About joan koster

Joan Koster writes historical fiction about forgotten women. She is currently working on a novel about abolition and woman's rights during the Civil War.
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